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Svenska Garantiprodukter AB - our newest member at NGM

Svenska Garantiprodukter AB - new member at NGM


Nordic Growth Market (NGM) is pleased to announce that Svenska Garantiprodukter AB (SGP) has been adopted as a new member of the exchange. SGP is expected to participate in trading from July 4, 2014.

- We are happy to welcome SGP as a new member of the exchange. We hope they get great benefit from our trading system with innovative technical solutions in both market making and trading. Now we look forward to taking their products to trading, says Tommy Fransson, Deputy CEO of NGM.

SGP is also positive towards the membership at NGM.

- SGP looks forward to working with NGM and the strengthened market position SGP thereby achieves, says Martin Larsson, CEO of SGP.


For more information, please contact:


Tommy Fransson, deputy CEO, NGM
+46 (0) 8- 566 390 49,


Svenska Garantiprodukter

Martin Larsson, CEO, Svenska Garantiprodukter
+ 46 (0) 31- 756 80 50,


About Nordic Growth Market NGM AB

Nordic Growth Market (NGM) is an authorized Exchange operating in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The company was founded in 1999 and is today a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. NGM offers a complete marketplace for investment products and an arena for companies aiming for listing. At NGM, our customers get the opportunity to reach their full potential.
For more information about NGM, visit and don´t forget to follow us on Twitter: ngmexchange