Nordic Derivatives Exchange (NDX) is a fully regulated market for listing and trading of derivatives, structured products, bonds and ETF:s. The market is operated by Nordic Growth Market (NGM) and is under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
NDX strive to offer a both time and cost efficient listing process. Our listing process enables issuers of flow products to send in documentation before 14:00, to have it listed the day after.
Trading is conducted in NGM´s own developed trading system – Elasticia. It is a fully electronic high capacity order driven trading system launched in Nov 2010, with 100 % up time since launch. Elasticia is the first Nordic trading venue offering a validation function – Quote Validation – that ensures market makers of derivatives to verify their prices.
NDX have launched the Swedish categorization standard for structured products. The Instrument categorization map represents a visualization of the respective product categories both by a numbering system and graphics of the pay-out profiles. The map is an important part of our work to increase transparency and understanding for exchange traded investment products. The Swedish categorization standard follows the guide lines produced by the European Structured Investment Products Association – Eusipa.
In addition to this, the trading system enables enhanced possibilities for static data for any types of securities, such as warrants, certificates, bonds and ETFs.
NDX offers a platform for marketing of issuer and issuer’s products, a platform that also aims at increasing the understanding and knowledge of derivatives and other structured products for the members’ customers. Several of NGM´s members are today using NDX´s education for education of their clients.