BX Swiss Elasticia Test System
BX Swiss Elasticia Test System
The new test system is run Active-Active, meaning members can connect to either gateway to reach the test system.
Gateway #1 | Gateway #2 | |
Current Status | Online | Online |
Elasticiaversion | 2.0.0 | 2.0.0 |
Instrument Source |
NGM FIX Protocol | 2.0.1 | 2.0.1 |
NGM FAST Templates | 2.0.0 | 2.0.0 |
NGM Instrument Schema | 2.1.0 | 2.1.0 |
DNS name | ||
IP address | | |
Port Trading (Order Entry) |
27200 | 27200 |
Port Market Data |
27300 | 27300 |
Port Trading (FIX Classic) |
27210 | 27210 |
Port Market Data (FIX Classic) |
27310 | 27310 |
TargetCompID - Trading |
BX | BX |
TargetCompID - Market Data 1 |
MD-1 | MD-1 |
Opening times (CET/CEST) | Production Schedule | Production Schedule |
Test schedules
Automatic order and quote matching
- From market opening – 09:49 CET/CEST – Every 10 minutes
- 12:09 CET/CEST – 17:29 – Every 10 minutes
Limit orders and quotes within the spreads 3.40-3.49, 34.0-34.9 and 340-
349 (inclusive) will be matched by an order (one per leg) placed by NGM.
This will generate a trade if the orderbook is in a tradable state.
Automatic trade cancellation
- From market opening – 09:49 CET/CEST – Every 20 minutes
- 12:09 CET/CEST – 17:29
Trades with volume 330-339 (inclusive) and trades with volume 200,000-
250,000 (inclusive) will be cancelled.
Fail tests
Scheduled to run every Tuesday and Thursday.
- 10:00 Order Entry gateway #1 is restarted, short downtime
- 10:10 Market Data gateway #1 is restarted, longer downtime (5 min)
- 10:13 During restart of MD #1, OE #2 is taken offline and is down for 15 minutes
- 10:40 When MD #1 and OE #2 are up again, MD #2 is restarted.
Please note that session history is NOT synced between gateways. When switching between gateways you will have to either logon with reset or keep track of the state for each gateway.
© Nordic Growth Market NGM AB 2025. All rights reserved.